The Future – Phase 2

“Phase 1” is complete.  It includes a fully equipped & furnished lodge house; hand-built swimming pool; 2-1/2 miles of private, paved roads; a beautiful thatch-roof pier & secure ocean-access dock; miles of hiking & cave exploration trails; fruit orchards, bamboo nursery with vegetable and flower gardens; and 24/7 on-site security. The cement & tile swimming pool has a surrounding deck made of native hardwood, and is attached to a traditional, thatch-roof, fire-hearth “Maya Kitchen”, made for epic entertainment. The separate Caribbean beach property (40 ac.) is meant for day trips, picnics, sea turtle study, and fishing excursions. It is strategically located at the mouth of the wild Manatee Bar River, and commands the Caribbean access to this vast estuary known as the Gales Point Wildlife Sanctuary, an IUCN Category IV Wildlife Sanctuary.

“Phase 2” calls for the addition of private cabañas with separate kitchen/dining/classroom, as will be needed to accommodate scientists, environmental researchers, study-abroad students, and sport fishermen & women. Further aspects will include private residential development; a luxury waterfront lodge; more swimming pools; a restaurant, bar, and waterfront cabañas. We have architect’s plans for these, and have begun construction on the private cabañas.

There is a total of 1,740 acres at the mainland site, plus 60 acres across the Coastal Highway. There also are 40 beach acres on the nearby Caribbean Sea, 3-1/2 miles away by boat.  The overall development footprint is light. The intent here is to enjoy ~ and learn from ~ one of Earth’s unique last frontiers ~ without adversely effecting this pristine environment.  A world-renowned tropical resort architect was contracted for Phase 2 plans; their carefully-designed & executed plans allow for luxury accommodations and smooth operations, with deep respect for the surrounding natural and cultural environments.

Last Frontiers is totally off-grid. All power & water comes from the sky. Its system is robust enough to power pool filters, air-conditioning, laundry, a modern kitchen, and a workshop. What other resorts or retreats can claim this?